Workplace Health & Safety Advice
tel 07824 644850
A renowned health and safety consultant based by Dunfermline in Fife and mainly working in Central Scotland from Edinburgh to Glasgow. Distance is no limit; I am happy to work anywhere in Scotland. Whether you’re a small business looking to stay ahead of the competition looking for a skilled H&S specialist, or you are a large organisation who need a full health and safety review within your business, I have the complete skills, in-hand experience, and industry accreditation's to ensure your business can be health and safety compliant. workplace safety is a priority
Did you know it is a legal requirement for all employees who work in or from a building to be trained in fire awareness? I am an accredited CPD training organisation specialising in many health and safety training subjects. From the outcome of the on-site fire risk assessment, I can develop fire awareness training and fire warden training specific to your premises and organisation. My other courses including health and safety policy, safety management system, safe system of work, manual handling, hazard identification and risk assessment, display screen equipment and many more which will ensure your organisation and team are fully compliant in all health and safety aspects.
Accreditation, whether safe contractor, construction line, CHAS, SIPP, ISO, I have successfully guided many of my clients through accreditation for which the financial benefits to them can be immense.
I am practical in my work, take pragmatic approaches and believe in establishing a positive safety culture. With my skills, I take you and your business to the next level by increasing profits and reducing your overheads. By utilising my skills as a health and safety consultant, it allows your organisation to gain accesses that highlight areas where current practices are deemed insufficient or ineffective. By doing so, it allows you to improve health and safety as well as the finances of your organisation.
Through the utilisation of workplace safety consultants, we can identify the risks to your organisation. When these risks are rectified, it is proven to see an increase in productivity, increased retention in staff and in-turn, reduced cost of staff turnover among a plethora of over benefits. Health and safety in the workplace is an imperative aspect of running any business. Whether you need a health and safety advisor or looking for an external party to complete your onsite assessments, I have the skills, practical background, and experience to provide the best solutions for you.
I can work with you both in house and online regarding your organisation's health and safety, I welcome you to reach out today and discover how I can help support your business through my practical skills, pragmatic approach, and positive style.
As far as we are aware this is the only joint venture day course which offers first aid and safety, all based around the home Based in central Scotland, workplace safety is a priority.
A health and safety risk assessment is a process that identifies, analyzes, controls, and eliminates hazards that can cause injury or illness to the workforce and negatively impact the business. Employers are required by law to conduct health and safety risk assessments to ensure the safety of their employees and the public. Based in central Scotland, workplace safety is a priority.
A fire risk safety assessment is an extensive, in-depth inspection into the health and safety of business premises and therefore highlights potential risks & hazards that could occur during normal operation. THESE INCLUDE: The level of risk of an incident resulting in a major incident. In addition I can offer advice on required equipment, supply of documentation such as Fire Log Book and PEEPS, and also fire awareness training, and fire equipment inspection training Based in central Scotland, workplace safety is a priority.
Health and Safety training at work is a program that helps your employees learn specific health and safety knowledge or skills. This will help improve their performance in their current roles. Health and safety training is important to all employees across your organisation, and should not be limited to new employees. Fire awareness and Fire Marshal training. The awareness training is a legal requirement, not only is it useful to know but it may save lives. This training will be adapted to suit your own personal needs. Based in central Scotland, workplace safety is a priority.
RAMS (Risk Assessment Method Statement)are sometimes referred to as safety method statements or safe system of work documents. They are not as well-known as risk assessments primarily because there is no legal requirement to do them. RAMS are split into sections. The information section will tell us about the companies involved, H&S guidance, the method, method steps, the job, the equipment, tools, training, persons involved etc. The second section is the risk assessment. Based in central Scotland, workplace safety is a priority.
The statement of general policy on health and safety at work sets out your commitment to managing health and safety effectively, and what you want to achieve Usually there are three sections to a health and safety policy, these include: Statement of Intent – Sets out the organisations aims and objectives. Roles and Responsibilities – Outlines who has specific responsibility for managing health and safety and what they are responsible for. Based in central Scotland, workplace safety is a priority.
An Occupational Health & Safety Management System is a way for an organisation to manage occupational health & safety at the workplace. It is integrated as part of the organisation’s management system and includes: Organisation and work guidelines for health and safety in an organisation. Planning the process for preventing accidents and illnesses. Based in central Scotland, workplace safety is a priority.
Health and Safety Consultant & Risk Management Specialist Health and Safety Trainer
I believe i am different, stand out from the crowd, my background and experiences being unique
Sustainability. What is it, why is it important and why is it a buzz word in this present ‘green’ world? We will also discover how carbon net zero, the circular economy and sustainability are very closely linked and related
Read MoreThe circular economy is a model of production and consumption, which involves sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing, and recycling existing materials and products for as long as possible. In this way, the life cycle of products is extended.
Read MoreMaking your business environmentally friendly not only benefits the environment but can also save you money. The brand enhancement that comes with putting sustainability at the heart of business will help companies attract and retain customers and the best talent. But there is also the opportunity for businesses to save money from efficiencies and develop new products and services that get them ahead of the curve.
Read MoreA defibrillator is a machine that sends a high energy electric shock through the heart. This high energy electric shock is called defibrillation. The aim of this shock is to return a heart to its normal working state if it goes into cardiac arrest. They are used to prevent or correct an arrhythmia, a heartbeat that is uneven or that is too slow or too fast. Defibrillators can also restore the heart's beating if the heart suddenly stops.
Read MoreSafety Inspections could be carried out by utilising someone from another team, department or branch but could also be by a totally independent safety professional. We as humans tend to be blinkered, we see what we expect to see and don't see the unexpected. How many times have we stood on the bairns toy, kicked the dogs water bowl, trapped a finger in a window handle? We all do it, especially if we are concentrating on a particular task such as doing the dishes. We are all aware of the saying "familiarity breeds contempt"
Read More“competence is not just a qualification or experience it is a combination of qualifications, experience, knowledge, ability and life”
Read MoreYour fire risk assessment will help you identify risks that can be removed or reduced and to decide the nature and extent of the general fire precautions you need to take to protect people against the fire risks that remain. If you employ five or more people, you must record the significant findings of your risk assessment however it is recommended to do so in any case as proof that it has been carried out.
Read MoreIn every sector of every trade, some people are academically minded, and some are practically minded, a few are both, and there is the unfortunate few who are neither. I am from the practical side, I learnt most of my knowledge by being hands on, listening and learning from others as well as time studying.
Read Moreif we look at the definition it will help us understand what we are looking for, it defines it as ‘anything’, not an area or a feeling, but a thing or an action or lack of action, such as an object, a substance, an energy source, not properly managed
Read MoreSince I became self employed and started communicating with small businesses it amazes me how many have no health and safety policy or procedures and worse than that, no understanding to what it is all about, how it can benefit them, their employees, and their business let alone the legal side of things. I still frequently hear the old ‘health and safety gone mad' and ‘it costs so much and you get nothing back’. So in this article I am going to try and address these issues. Before I do however, a little bit about me and health and safety.
Read MoreHealth and Safety Executive guidance states that the purpose of the risk assessment under regulation 6 of COSHH is “to enable employers to make valid decisions about the measures needed to prevent or adequately control the exposure of their employees to substances hazardous to health arising from the work”.
Read MoreOrganizations conduct safety audits to comply with laws or regulations and to provide a safe workplace for everyone. A safety audit identifies different levels of risk in each work area of an organization. A systematic approach is a vital ingredient for a safety audit.
Read MoreI have recently added Carbon Management for businesses to my portfolio of services I provide on top of my Health and Safety Services. I published an article about the service and why carbon management was required. It then occurred to me that there are lots of you, like me, interested in doing our wee bit to help save our planet, hence this article. First, I will give you some definitions and a brief description of what is happening to our planet.
Read MoreThis article is on the various products that we have lying about the house and use in the maintenance of our house, garden, car etc.In the working environment we must comply with a regulation called the Control of Substances Harmful to Health or COSHH. This tells us what the hazard of the product is, how it may affect us, what precautions we should take when using it and the first aid / medical measures requirements if needed. In the domestic environment COSHH does not apply however the products still cause us harm, they have not changed. The relevant symbols and information are still usually printed on the packaging or container, it is obviously good practice to read this information before using any product.
Read MoreThis article describes how I have managed to avoid the dreaded lockdown blues, I've even managed to avoid what I call "my potholes", these are my small bouts of depression or stress.
Read MoreWith the latest government instructions to work from home, where possible, I thought it was a good time to discuss home work, the main hazards and the employers responsibilities
Read Moreavailable 24 hours a day, leave a message or text note: the message section is for enquiries regarding my services only, spam or unsolicited messages regarding my website will either be ignored or have a rude response. Please do not waste your or my time.